
Torre del Prior.
Camí de la Casella s/n,
43590 Tortosa

GPS coordinates 40.8382358,0.5167275


652 931 511

Número de registro PTE-000289


A convenient option is to take a taxi. They are available in the taxi stop just outside the train station. For further information, the telephone number is 977 44 30 11. Another option would be to get to Jesus by bus. There is a bus stop a few hundred meters from the train station. There is bus to Jesus every 15 minutes on weekdays and every 30 minutes on weekends. The last bus leaves at 21'15h. There are about 1800 meters from Jesus up the tower Torre del Prior. And about twenty minutes walking.


If you are travelling via the C-42 south you have to will go through 5 roundabouts before arriving in Tortosa. Before you arrive in Tortosa, at the fifth roundabout take the third exit to cross the river. Then turn right and merge onto the C12 always go straight until km 21.5, you’ll see the Torre del Prior on the right
If you are travelling via C-12 to Lleida and Tortosa, once you pass l’Aldover, before getting to Jesus and Tortosa (km 21.5) you will see the tower on the left.


You will get to the HIFE bus station, which is about 100 meters from the train station. Just like arriving by train, taxis and buses are available a taxi or a bus line Tortosa-Jesus.


652 931 511